Teaching Overview

I have been a Teaching Assistant in various Computer Science and HCI courses at Texas A&M from 2009 to 2018. Ocuasionally, I teach a lecture in graduate and undergraduate corses related to HCI. From 2012 to 2014, I offered courses to the Homeschooling community in College Station Texas. You can read about my teaching philosophy in my Teaching Statment.

Guest Lectures

  • 2021 11/18 - AI & Creativity - COSC 423/523 Artificial Intelligence : University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • 2021 3/4 - Evaluation Methods - COSC 494/594: Human-AI Interaction : University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • 2021 3/4 - Evaluation Methods - COSC 494/594 Software Development Tools + : University of Tennessee Knoxville